Interview & Photos by Joe Foster
Intro Photo (above): Aaron Goulding
eter Mel born and raised in the coastal surf town of Santa Cruz. Peter is an endorsed Athlete and is currently commissioner for the WSL Big Wave Tour and broadcaster for the World Surf League Championship Tour.

RIS: What is it like having a son following in your footsteps? You must be very proud.
Pete: It’s really cool to share something that your so passionate about with your kid. We get to spend that time together doing what we love.
RIS: You commentary and nice button up shirts were some of our favorite things to watch on the WSL. Where in the heck do you come up with those well ironed beautiful shirts?
Pete: Quiksilver!!! haha. They’re my longtime sponsor and I still represent them today. I’m grateful for all their support.
RIS: We are running this shot of you destroying a small wave we’d assume by your standards. Do you still get fired up to surf even if the waves are only head high?
Pete: Yes…I love surfing any size waves. Just as long as they still push my big frame around!
RIS: The pecking order in Santa Cruz we here is pretty intense. How long did it take you to start getting waves at Steamers and who were some of the boys that helped you out there?
Pete: It takes a lot of time. In Santa Cruz there’s a ton of respect for all the elders. So you always give way to them. I got my waves, but it took till my twenties to start getting the best ones. I like that, it keeps an order in the lineup. It’s not as prevalent today. Kids have it way too easy!! Too many of the boys to list. My peers pushed me a ton. But as far as big waves. I looked to Richard Schmidt and Vince Collier as major influences.
RIS: Whats the heaviest situation you have ever been in surfing wise? Anything where you might of thought for a second, this could be the end?
Pete: I’ve been in many close situations, but nothing where I thought it would end. I think that’s the key, always know there a way out and never give up.
RIS: Finally, we know you grew up listened to punk and hardcore music. What attracted you to that sound and what were some of the bands you enjoyed listening to?
Pete: I had a lot of friends that were in bands. The Santa Cruz punk scene was full on. Blást and Mock were the local bands. I also loved T.S.O.L., Descendants, Minor Threat and Black Flag. Still listen to all these bands today.
RIS: Thanks for you time Pete, we wish you all the best and look forward to more of your awesome endeavors in 2018

John Mel
RIS: Hey John, thanks for taking a second to talk to us. What’s the pressure like being in an event like that and having you dad there?
John: I was super stoked to be in the event, I really wanted to do well and preform for everyone and my dad but I think I did put a little to much pressure on my self by thinking that way.
RIS: If Michael Jordan had a son playing basketball the pressure would be enormous, do you feel any of that or is it more of a blessing?
John: I don’t think of it like that, It’s pretty awesome to have a legend to help you learn the ropes.
RIS: We see a lot of image of you killing the lowers lefts, is that one of your favorite waves and do you consider that your second home?
John: Lower is a special place for me for sure, I’ve won a few national titles there and surfed most of my big amateur events there. On top of that it’s one of the most ripable waves ever.
RIS: Who are the kids you cruise with in Santa Cruise and also in So Cal?
John: My buddies from Santa Cruz: Gabe, Garret, Brogie Panesi. Also have good friends down south like Nolan, Tyler, Shano, Wil and Dylan.
RIS: What are your plans for 2018?
John: I’m gonna do a bunch of QS’s this year and see where I end up. I hoping to make it in those 10000’s soon.
RIS: If you had to pick a crew for a dream surf trip anywhere you wanted, who would it be and where?
John: I’d go back to the mentawais with other the boys I went with last time and add on some of the boys from Santa Cruz and that would be perfect!
RIS: What are your thoughts about the QS, so many say it’s a hard grind.
John: It’s definitely a grind to be traveling non stop all year and surfing so many different places good and bad but it for sure is a mental experience to see all the new places
RIS: Who are you sponsored by and are there any shout out’s you would like to give?
John: My sponsors are Quiksilver, Channel Islands Surfboards, Oakley, Freeline Surf Shop, Ocean and Earth, Futures and Guayaki.

Follow Up: Peter Mel may have ridden the best wave ever. 01/08/2021
Some declared it the ride of the decade, others called it the best wave ever. Mel, 51, with decades of experience riding towering waves, knew one thing: It was the ride of his life. The 2012 Big Wave World Tour champion and ’13 Mavericks Invitational winner, Mel said he chose a line that many envision but few execute.
“I took the back door into the section,” Mel said, “A lot of people envision it, but execution is the hard part. You have to have the courage to do it.”
Mel called Friday’s epic ride the most rewarding of his surfing accomplishments.
“You have personal goals riding waves and that was at the top of the heap,” Mel said. “It’s pretty amazing to get the wave of your life at 51 years old.”
His son, John, rode a jet ski over to his father to be the first to congratulate him.
“It was a pretty emotional thing,” John said. “It was super surreal to see that ride — and to see my father doing it. After that wave spit him out of the barrel, the conditions changed and there were no waves for 30 minutes to an an hour. It gave us some time to figure out what just happened.”
Despite continually heading up to Mavericks since his historic ride, Mel said he’s in no mood to try and outdo himself.
“I’m pretty content,” he said.