Revolt In Style… or not at all!
I don’t have an addiction. Wait, what’s the definition of an addiction? Webster’s: “An unusually great interest in something or a need to do or have something.” Uh oh! I do have an addiction! To Iron Pig Alehouse BBQ!
After 6 visits in two weeks, I’m pretty sure I know why…
Our first visit was to find out what our good friend Kenny Casciato was up to. After Kenny sold Ciro’s Pizza on Garnet, together with partners Louise Kelly & Brigette O’Donovan (Baby Bird Communications) they opened up Iron Pig Ale House. It’s just up the street, where the old Haiku Sushi used to be.
We all met at about 11 in the morning, along with Head Chef Rick Daniels. We had to find out more about the amazing smell that irradiated from the premises. O’boy does it ever….
I thought I had tasted all that BBQ had to offer here in SD. From Phil’s to Mikes to Blonde’s. Bulls, Brazen, Kansas City…. Abby’s off Miramar Rd. and even Dickie’s in Temecula. For the most part, they’re all pretty good – in their own way. But, I have to say, the barbeque at IRON PIG, is nothing short of a Taste-gasm!
Iron Pig Alehouse is the official name of the restaurant, but the actual “Iron Pig” is the huge smoker in back. They literally had to tear out the wall just to get it inside. Executive Chef Rick Daniels gave us a tour of the kitchen and the huge smoker was our first stop. He ceremoniously opened the huge doors. I swear I’d died and was standing in front of the Pearly Gates!
Racks of Ribs, whole briskets, pork butts, ½ Chickens, baked beans and even wings; all soaking in the wonderful flavors of oak and hickory for hour upon hour. Yes, I was definitely in Heaven.
I asked Chef Rick how long everything has been cooking inside the Iron Pig.
Rick tells us “The Brisket – 15 hours, the Baby Back Ribs – 4 hours, Spare Ribs – 5 to 6 hours, Pork Butt – 12, the Chicken 3.5 & Wings 2. Tomatoes (for the aioli) for 2 hours” Rick added, “We even smoke the Portobello Mushroom for the Vegetarian sandwich for at least ½ an hour.”
As I stood there, my mouth seriously watering… Chef pointed out everything was being made from scratch. Sauces, aoli’s, dressings, side dishes and even the pickles are their own recipe.
You may say “Well of course it looked good, they knew you where coming.” Right … I thought of that as well. So, we came back again, unannounced… and then again… and then, just to be sure…. a couple more times! Now, we have been to Iron Pig SIX times in as many weeks. Each trip has been as amazing as our first time.
It’s barbecue perfection at it’s finest… & Yes, I’m an addict.
Smoked Brisket plate paired with a Fall Brewery Loudspeaker Rye IPA. The Iron Pig Alehouse serves authentic slow cooked, smoked barbecue, coupled with an extensive craft beer program
Iron Pig Ale House has 36 Draft Lines, 0 dedicated, all fresh, cleaned and rotated regularly. 2 Nitro Lines – If you have never had Craft Beer on Nitro, it adds a silky smooth texture & extra richness to the flavor. “I highly recommend it” (Ferris Bueller reference.) 4 select wines are on tap at all times as well. You might think it’s a bit unconventional to have wines on tap, but, it tastes better, stays fresher, and you don’t ever have to worry about ‘when that bottle was opened’. A huge win win!
In conclusion… I give this place FIVE R’s – all the way around.
Make sure you tell them REVOLT sent you. Just a little FYI, they did just receive the “Best New Restaurant in PB.” Congrats Iron Pig, keep up the great work!