The second time is the charm, and The Bravery is definitely charmed. With the re-launch of their second album, the soon to be released video for “Believe”, and a nation wide tour to back it all up.There is nothing that will stop this band.Sam, Michael, John, Dirt and Anthony complete this package delivered from New York City.
Even the NFL has taken notice of this group, using the song “Believe” in the post game highlights featuring our CHARGERS win over the Titans.
I had a chance to re-visit with the lead vocalist Sam Endicott, and find out WTF is up.
Revolt In Style:Let’s start with the obvious, the re-launch of The Sun & The Moon due to be released on 3-11-08 has the word “Complete” added to the title.What makes it different from the original album?
Sam Endicott:When we are making music, it can take you in 10 different directions.There is mixing and re-mixing, kind of like a DJ except we’re creating our own music, it can sound completely different than what you originally were shooting for.With this new version, we have taken it to a whole new level. We recorded the original in a studio, working with computers; it had a more synthetic sound.This one we went back to the old garage/basement sounds, and pulled some stuff from the road, it’s the same songs with a new sound.
RIS:You guys just shot you new video for “Believe” in LA on the Jan. 9th, I noticed you blasted a blog calling for extras for the video.How did it go? Did anyone show up? When do we get to see the video?
A:It was great, we had a ton of kids show up and they were totally into it.We got to order them around, jump on to of them, it was fun.You had to be 18 or older, we were surprised how many of our fans that blogged in were bummed they couldn’t come because they weren’t 18 yet.We are just finishing up the first part of the video, next is the animation part of it, which should be wrapped up around the 30th of January.That is all I’m going to tell you.
RIS::I’m impressed on how “Time won’t let me go” and “Believe” have been featured in numerous TV show,college & Pro football, and even a Pontiac Commercial, did you have any idea when writing and performing these songs, that they would have such a profound and inspirational effect on the country this way?
A:No way, I write about my observations, what’s in my head at the time.My music is very personal to me, it is me, and it seems the more personal I get, the more people connect with my music.
RIS: I saw you perform at Coors Amp. Last May/07, what a great show (I highly recommend it), anything new for this next show here on January 30th at the House of Blues?
A:Definitely, we will be playing the new versions of the songs, and there will be a few twists.You’ll just have to see for yourselves.
RIS:Last one.If there was any band or person you could play with, who would it be?
A:Wow, good question.I’ll have to think about it.I would have to say Rage Against the Machine, I haven’t seen them play yet, and their last two albums were great.
I highly encourage everyone to catch these guys in concert; this is the perfect venue to see them at before they get to big.